Wednesday, October 26, 2005

To: Lamar Alexander Re: your vote for and vocal support for bringing America's surviving racial terrorists to justice.

Sir, I cannot fully express my gratitude and suprised feeling of exhaltation when I watched you speak on CNN on the afternoon of October 26, 2001. You described the heinous actions against blacks fighting for their rights pre 1970 as terrorism just as I did in my last post, because that is indeed what it is. Then you voted to support a bill which would allow pursuit of surviving racial terrorists by reopening cold cases of racial murder against Black America's fallen heroes. Sir, If you weren't a member of an evil, hateful, greedy, murderous political party with our soldiers' and Iraqi and Afghani civilians' blood on its hands, I might gain hope from your honorable statement. However, your party affiliation (not that the Democrats are any better) renders your statement and your vote as meaningless a gesture as a hearty shalom from Adolf Hitler.
You were around during the more recent parts of the civil rights struggle (which actually began before the United States was even a country) you could have been there during the fifties and sixties beating rabid racists off our heroes and getting a bead on them before they could fire. Although American racial terrorists should all reciecve the horrible deaths and torture they bestowed on minorities fighting for freedom, you're several decades late into the struggle and nothing we do now will bring them back.


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