Monday, October 03, 2005


I had to copy this post from Eric Blumrich. He's got a great website, but he fails to realize that the, don't stand up and always take a dive, Democrats are equally responsible for our corporate government's failures.
Here you go:

Seriously- I mean this heartfeltly, and honestly. My thanks are offered without one, single bit of irony, or sarchasm. I want to thank you for your arrogance.In the shadow of your arrogance, Camp Casey evolved from the protest of one grieving parent, into a rallying point for the antwar majority here in the country you ostensibly govern. Further, I want to thank you for your selfishness.While you were hiding from Cindy, in Crawford, your indifference and hubris, in the face of the immesaurable human misery that played out on the gulf coast was amazing. While thousands starved, you played golf, in arizona. Never before has the republican disdain for human life been displayed, so nakedly.Lastly, George, I want to thank you for your ineptitude as a leader.Your republican cronies in the state houses might be able to swing the votes in your favor, time and time again- and ya know what? I welcome this. I really do. I want 25 Katherine Harrises and 25 Keneith Blackwells to take over every election that takes place, in this country. Further, I want your friends at diebold to steal every elected office for your cronies- I want every level of government to be taken over by your sick brand of neoconservative, homophobic, misogynist, racist republican. I want 100 DeLays in the house, and 50 Frists in the senate. I want you to continue, and expand your regime of criminal incompetence to every corner of government. And I know you will...After your misbegotten term in government, and your policies have wrecked this nation for decades to come, there will come a time, when the republicans can't steal any more elections, and will face a crossroads: "be humble, move to the center, or die"Just as your policies unwittingly made america weaker than ever before, your idology has turned the republican party into a corrupt freakshow of the radical "christian" right, that is becoming more and more marginalized, with each passing day.Thank you, Mr. Bush- you have ensured that, once this national nightmare is over, that we'll never see your kind again.See ya'll again, a week from now...


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