Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Here Comes Another Freak, Auto Exhaust Fueled, Monster Hurricane!!

OK; My first question here is the obvious. I'm sure you're thinking the same thing I am. How are they going to blame THIS tragedy on black people? We all heard the rabidly racist Goebbels propaganda ministers lambast poor blacks for being poor and black again and again after Katrina. They ignored the fact that our government stood by while American babies went days without food, formula, water, juice, and being cleaned. I don't believe that this government could have survived the deaths of those babies, especially with the "liberal media"'s cameras right there allowing us all to witness it. I hate the sell out resignationist "liberals" that gave up on us as much as the Nazis, ahem, Neocons. I hate the oil and defense corporation owned media conglomerates with a passion. I have to admit, however, that those cameras saved a lot of lives! If those cameras weren't there in those babies cute little faces, and the American people hadn't witnessed them nearing their dying throes as we did, THEY WOULD BE DEAD. Uncovering the tyranny of the U.S. Military Industrial Complex is not worth that large a price!
Anyway, the Goebbels propaganda ministry tells us that all of the victims are on welfare. Bullshit!!!!!! Those people couldn't afford cars because they work for the tourism industry which refuses to pay them enough to afford an automobile. The Republicans who have stolen and scared their way into absolute rule will not allow a minimum wage bill to pass, and they have paid off and scared enough democrats to prevent any from being voted upon. Social Security is a program for the elderly who have been working and paying taxes all their lives and to whom we owed our pre CIA attack of 911 freedoms. They deserve a dignified twilight to their lives as our advisors, bedrock upon which we build our own families, and our link to the past. Can you imagine childhood without grandpa and grandma? There is no lifelong free money going out to healthy, able bodied, young people unless you are talking about rich heirs or royalty.
To believe the lie about hordes of healthy, young, able bodied blacks living on welfare makes you a Fucking Nazi and I would be more than happy to call you that to your face if you believe the propaganda ministry's lies to that effect. People who believe that bullshit are just as insanely stupid and deserve death as much as the Nazi bastards that believed that Jews were all lazy and conniving, leading to the Holocaust. Unlike the fascist, propagandist commentators, I have worked alongside poor people in the fields, moving tons of toxic shit, and carrying loads that'd break any "self made" well to do asshole heir's back. I have never felt so much like I was going to die than when I spent a twelve hour day working for Labor Ready six months ago, and I've been to war! I hurt for days and my entire upper body was bruised. I could only limp home and crash like I never crashed before. My wife made the accurate assumption that it would take twice what I earned that day just to have a doctor look at the torn skin on my arm. After taxes, I brought home only fourty dollars! Poor people work their asses off! Give a working poor person an auto loan for God's sake. Close down those shady used car lots that plague poor neighborhoods with insane interest rates and overpriced, rusty jilapes! Then, and only then can you assure that everyone will have a vehicle ready to get them away from a disaster! Raise the minimum wage. There should be no such thing as a working poor. Here's another plan! Instead of letting thousands of corporate and government owned busses, vans, trucks, and rental cars get destroyed by water anyway, how about lending them to people who need them to flee for their very lives. All of those vehicles were written off by insurers anyway and most have devices that track their positions, preventing theft.
OK, lets assume that you are a racist bastard who ignores the fact that most poor people are white; and you believe we blacks buy too many fowdies, menthol cigarettes, Nikes and watermelon. Then guess the fuck what? That means we pay sales taxes. If the government is going to just let us die, then they need to return every cent we've paid throughout our lives in sales and payroll taxes and never tax us again!
How much do Iraqis and Afghans pay in taxes? ZZZZZEEEEEERRRRROOOO, so let's stop "freeing" them and try freeing American taxpayers from being under educated so they can improve their lives on their own.
The next issue presented by the Goebbels propaganda ministry, shockingly enough, is a demand for accountability for monies spent to aid the victims of the first monster storm of 2005.
You'll get your accountability when you account for the money spent stealing oil and killing civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why does Helliburton get government contracts without having to bid against other companies? Why do war profiteers get to overcharge by millions on damn near every contract and engage in sickeningly wasteful practises on our dollar. For instance, if a brand new Helliburton SUV has a flat, they get a new SUV instead of fixing it, regardless of where the flat occurred!!! Why are Helliburton employees and the American Civilian Mercenary Hitmen in Iraq getting paid wages that 90% of more educated, skilled, and experienced, and hard working Americans can only dream of? Don't you dare say because of the danger. If that were the case, every private should be getting 80,000 a year or more as well and Iraqi police trainees should all be millionaires. As far as this war is concerned, the real cowards are the average Bushites. They want to throw hundreds of billions of dollars at people they believe hate us and who supposedly want to destroy America so they will one day like us and be our friends. Damn, it doesn't get any more cowardly or stupid than that!
Well, here comes another monster freak hurricane, just like I said it would. We are paying for this global warming all right! I hate being right! Man do I hate it. I mean, it's really getting old.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's about time someone addresses the racism that black people have to face every hour of every day of their lives, from white America. So what,they removed their hoods. It's time to make it right. I think you need a larger forum SIR WILD BILL!!!

4:48 PM, September 21, 2005  

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