Thursday, July 07, 2005

THE CIA STRIKES AGAIN!!!!!! July 7, 2005


As British Prime Minister Tony Blair's approval took a nosedive amongst Britons in the midst of a never ending war against Islam, the American right wing politburo got a little desperate. Scared of losing its only "coalition" member with any real military power, mass murderers of the United States CIA took action against British Civilians on this trajic day. I am appauled and disgusted again by the treacherous actions of the United States Government.

I do not belive in the existence of Al Queda. Al Queda was made up to give Americans a fake enemy so that as we watched our backs, our government could steal billions of our dollars from under our noses and launder our hard earned money in defense corporations while simultaneously robbing Muslims throughout the world of their precious resources. What kind of retards do those madmen take us for? I will never believe that there is a huge invisible organization out there which can somehow arrange perfectly coordinated attacks anywhere in the world without detection (sounds military to me). Not only does "our" government want us to believe that bullshit. We are also somehow supposed to believe that this organization can commit these heinous actions despite the capture of its "number two man" or "number three man", as the corporate media puts it, every week or two. If that weren't ridiculous enough, "Al Queda" apparently does its barbaric acts because (brace for this) "THEY HATE OUR FREEDOMS". Any child could tell you that's the most insanely retarded line they ever heard!!! They hate our freedoms? How much do neocon and CIA operatives get paid to come up with horse shit like that?? I know that guy got D's at CIA academy! I mean, at least say something like they're legitimately upset because we're crushing muslims in their homes with our bombs and irradiating their children to death with depleted uranium or something! At least say its because we're paying Israel to roll over Palestinian's houses in tanks and murder their sons for throwing rocks at those tanks. They hate our freedoms? What better way is there to uncover who "Al CIA da" really is. It's the U.S. Government. has the exclusive on this Horrific Atrocity. It implied British Intelligence. I believe the CIA was also involved in today's butchery.


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