Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Is there any limit to the arrogance of our masters?

Today, I must say I feel both horrified and exonerated. Pat Robertson, the radical Christian cleric who once ran for President of the United States has issued a fatwah calling for the assasination of the President of Venezuela! Can you believe that? Is there any limit to the insanity, ignorance, and arrogance of the neocon right? Pat's motive, or the one he's spouted to us is that Venezuela is a hotbed of Islamic extremism and communism. Muslim Extremism? Let me guess, Osama's there building weapons of mass destruction and smoking a rich Cuban stogie right? Oh yeah, and there's nobody Muslim extremists love more than Atheist Communists right? Pat is either smoking crack with Rush or hanging out with that insane pervert Oreilly who likes to sodomize himself while talking to underage girls on the phone. Get the fuck outta here! You have got to be fucking kidding me! I know what the problem is with Venezuela, it's got oil, lots of oil, and it refuses to enslave and empoverish its people by giving its precious natural resources away for free! This kill order is truly shameful and it hurts me to think that this bastard calls himself a Christian. I'm sure the cricifixion itself was less painful to Jesus than this egomaniacal bastard calling himself Christian. This "pastor" called for a man to be killed! Jesus wouldn't have done that. If ever there was a reason for Jesus to return to those who murdered him, it would be to strip Pat of his ministry.
And guess who's not all over this travesty and not using it to tear the Christian Right a new asshole?
You guessed it, the wimpy, sniveling, backstabbing "Liberal Democrats" who betrayed us all by throwing two elections and letting the right cheat. They should be cleaning house on this but guess what, they're at the oil and defense CEO's, and Israel's feet with slippers in their mouths waiting for orders just like the Republikkklans. Damn the Democrats! Damn them! They have decieved and betrayed us for the last time. As I have said before, the purpose of the Democratic Party is to make you think there's somebody in your government who gives a shit wether you live or die when there isn't. I will never vote for the democratic party again. I know a fascist, racist, religious extremist homophobe aristocrat in sheep's clothing when I see one. I'd rather you not vote than vote Democrat. Let the repubs win every elected office in this country. Hell, the democrats are letting it happen anyway, just slowly so no one notices. Why let the Democrats lead us to slaughter? Lets show the government that we have no faith in it at all. We will not waste our time voting in elections for Democrats who are paid to take a dive by not having a backbone. We will not waste our time voting on machines already programmed to favor whoever oil and defense corporations and Israel want to win. We will not vote in elections where there are plenty of voting machines in white and affluent areas while those living in lower income and minority neighborhoods have to wait in line until early morning because they have too few machines. We will not vote in elections where a black or hispanic American can be "challenged" at the polls by a right wing bigot with an agenda. When you vote, you become part of this system which is slaughtering people all over the world for their land and resources. You become part of these staged terror attacks meant to scare you into sending your kids off to die and emptying your national treasury into the hands of defense and oil CEO's. Let them win every public office! At least then, the American people and the world can see what a horrible nightmare the neocon, fascist, racist, homophobe, fake Christian-jihadist right has in store for them in time to rise up and crush them!


Blogger Chuck said...

Good looking blog. I found you from your comment at donkey o.d.

Just stopped over to check it out & say hi!

I'll stop back in again.

9:21 PM, August 26, 2005  

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