Friday, October 07, 2005


By the year 2058, if the trend continues, it is estimated that 100 percent of the United States population will be obese. Obesity has overtaken smoking, becoming the leading cause of preventable ilnesses. Your propaganda ministry has you mortified over the bird flu, kidnappers, and "terrorism", when it's that Hardees thickburger and the stress of working twelve hour days that's killing you. I'm a lot more alert for those overworked people driving shiny SUV's and sports cars they can't handle or afford than Osama Bin Laden. The former is much more likely to kill me. According to the Federal Reserve, Americans are in over 2 trillion dollars of personal debt. That's trillion with a T! Your job is to consume yourself into oblivion. Be it physical oblivion, or financial oblivion, your masters really don't care.

No matter how much we consume, the economy is not going to improve, nor will there be more jobs which provide a living wage. We were all, yours truly included, hornswaggled by our "benevolent, friendly, and caring" Clinton Administration into believing that the global free markets were going to bring us all prosperity and peace beyond our wildest dreams.
In truth, we killed the middle class with nafta, cafta, and the other agreements. For once in his life, old Ross perot might have been right about something. Our current pro business administration is lying as well. Participating in global free markets hasn't brought democracy to China, our numer one trading partner. How will it bring democracy or freedom anywhere else? It just gives tyrants sweatshops to tax so they can buy more weapons to subdue their people. We all know that we are losing too many jobs which provide a living wage along with the corresponding health care benefits. Illness in a for profit medical system of course, is a leading cause of eternal debt enslavement. I was once one of those assholes who said, "just go to school and get new skills because those high tech jobs are out there". That was until that sector crashed as well. What these CEO's are actually doing is shooting their own companies in the foot.
The old economy worked for the middle class and the companies themselves because it provided a living wage to a sufficient amount of people in the community to ensure its survival. People with a living wage could then go out and buy goods and services and there was some balance. The money kept flowing. Today, companies are failing and merging (where one of the two actually collapses) because the consumer base is dwindling. It doesn't matter how lean and efficient a company is, thanks to cheap foreign labor. It doesn't matter how high the quality, or how much product you make. If there aren't enough American consumers making enough money to purchase those goods or services, your company will fail, and further exacerbate the dwindling of the consumer base. It's a recipe for depression and unimaginable suffering on a global scale.

Our corporate masters have compensated by working us harder than ever for less than ever. They're stuffing credit card applications both down our throats and up our asses so we'll buy more than our dwindling income allows! Every time you go shopping, you are asked to apply for a credit card. Every time you open your mailbox, there is a credit card application in it! Corporations are increasingly bombarding us with commercials day and night, wherever we look. The commercials are so bad, nobody can as much as offer to give you some good news without you thinking about auto insurance. If you think there was a time when the commercial breaks on TV and the radio were fewer and shorter, you are absolutely right!

Here's what got me upset more than anything on September 11, 2001 back when I believed the official story.

I ask you this one question!
What were you asked to do as an American on September 11, 2001??????
As you watched the terrible aftermath, you were not told to pick up a rifle.
You were not told to rip out and eat the hearts of Al Queda and Taliban militiamen. ( I had my hot sauce ready for this one! ...until I realized we were all lied to)


Why? Because that's all they think you're good for. You are a consumer! You are not a man or a woman. You are not a citizen! You are almost always addressed by the corporate media as consumers.
You are only addressed as men and women when you die for a corpornation that doesn't care about you and wouldn't support you if you were wounded physically or mentally by war, or in polls which try to prove how divided and biased you are. You are never, ever, adressed as a citizen. I say pull yourself away from the trough, citizen. Buy a used car instead of a new one, and only when maintenance gets too expensive on your old one. Buy a compact car if you're the only one who rides in it. Try to make your house or apartment energy efficient this winter. Cut up those credit cards! You need not wait until they're paid off. You will realize that you have more time available to spend with family and friends because you'll have to work less and stress less over those bills. I am not the expert on saving money by any stretch, so research on your own. Don't be a consumer. Be an intelligent man or woman and stand up against corporate greed and the administration that supports it.


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