Remember the massive underground terrorist cave bases? In this video there are clips of Rummy saying there are "many of those". Where are they Rummy? Do you think that if they were found they wouln't have been all over Fox News, CNN, CBS, NBC, etc. Hell, Mat Lauer would have done a whole week of broadcasts from those terror cave bases. They would be the new set for the Rush Limbaugh Show, Glenn Beck, and Fox and Friends. How can a habitual lier like Rummy have been living so well off our tax dollars for so long? What other lies has he made? This PSYCHOPATHIC HABITUAL LIER had control of THREE TRILLION (with a T), SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY BILLION (with a B) DOLLARS. That the US government ADMITS to spending in the defense sector during his tenure as secretary of defense. Its no wonder kids, who have infinite potential, are starving to death and dying of diseases that already have cures all over the world by the tens thousands every day. It's no wonder the levees haven't been built yet to protect New Orleans. It's no wonder the US govt. is in 9 trillion dollars of debt.
Now that we know "Al Queda" does not exist, who then is really responsible for 911, the Cole bombing, the embassy bombings, the subway and bus bombings in Britain, et al. ?
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